{ "MaxPlayers": 64, "MinPlayers": 1, "GameNetworkType": "Multiplayer", "MapSelect": "Tagged", "MapList": [], "RankType": "None", "PerMapRanking": false, "LeaderboardType": "None", "ProjectTemplate": null, "CsProjName": "", "ControlModes": { "Keyboard": true }, "InputSettings": { "Actions": [ { "Name": "Forward", "KeyboardCode": "W", "GroupName": "Movement" }, { "Name": "Backward", "KeyboardCode": "S", "GroupName": "Movement" }, { "Name": "Left", "KeyboardCode": "A", "GroupName": "Movement" }, { "Name": "Right", "KeyboardCode": "D", "GroupName": "Movement" }, { "Name": "Jump", "KeyboardCode": "space", "GamepadCode": "A", "GroupName": "Movement" }, { "Name": "Run", "KeyboardCode": "shift", "GamepadCode": "LeftJoystickButton", "GroupName": "Movement" }, { "Name": "Walk", "KeyboardCode": "alt", "GroupName": "Movement" }, { "Name": "Crouch", "KeyboardCode": "ctrl", "GamepadCode": "B", "GroupName": "Movement" }, { "Name": "Click", "KeyboardCode": "mouse1", "GamepadCode": "RightTrigger", "GroupName": "Actions" }, { "Name": "RightClick", "KeyboardCode": "mouse2", "GamepadCode": "LeftTrigger", "GroupName": "Actions" }, { "Name": "Use", "KeyboardCode": "e", "GamepadCode": "X", "GroupName": "Actions" }, { "Name": "View", "KeyboardCode": "C", "GamepadCode": "RightJoystickButton", "GroupName": "Other" }, { "Name": "Voice", "KeyboardCode": "v", "GamepadCode": "SwitchRightBumper", "GroupName": "Other" }, { "Name": "Flashlight", "KeyboardCode": "f", "GamepadCode": "DpadNorth", "GroupName": "Other" }, { "Name": "Score", "KeyboardCode": "tab", "GamepadCode": "SwitchLeftBumper", "GroupName": "Other" }, { "Name": "Menu", "KeyboardCode": "Q", "GamepadCode": "SwitchLeftMenu", "GroupName": "Other" }, { "Name": "Chat", "KeyboardCode": "enter", "GroupName": "Other" }, { "Name": "Zoom", "KeyboardCode": "MOUSE3", "GroupName": "Other" }, { "Name": "Puke", "KeyboardCode": "G", "GroupName": "Other" }, { "Name": "TetrosMoveLeft", "KeyboardCode": "A", "GamepadCode": "DpadEast", "GroupName": "Arcade - Tetros" }, { "Name": "TetrosMoveRight", "KeyboardCode": "D", "GamepadCode": "DpadWest", "GroupName": "Arcade - Tetros" }, { "Name": "TetrosSoftDrop", "KeyboardCode": "S", "GamepadCode": "DpadSouth", "GroupName": "Arcade - Tetros" }, { "Name": "TetrosHardDrop", "KeyboardCode": "SPACE", "GamepadCode": "DpadNorth", "GroupName": "Arcade - Tetros" }, { "Name": "TetrosRotateRight", "KeyboardCode": "W", "GamepadCode": "Y", "GroupName": "Arcade - Tetros" }, { "Name": "TetrosRotateLeft", "KeyboardCode": "", "GamepadCode": "X", "GroupName": "Arcade - Tetros" }, { "Name": "TetrosHold", "KeyboardCode": "SHIFT", "GamepadCode": "SwitchLeftBumper", "GroupName": "Arcade - Tetros" }, { "Name": "RhythmLeft", "KeyboardCode": "LEFTARROW", "GamepadCode": "DpadEast", "GroupName": "Arcade - Rhythm4K" }, { "Name": "RhythmDown", "KeyboardCode": "DOWNARROW", "GamepadCode": "DpadSouth", "GroupName": "Arcade - Rhythm4K" }, { "Name": "RhythmUp", "KeyboardCode": "UPARROW", "GamepadCode": "DpadNorth", "GroupName": "Arcade - Rhythm4K" }, { "Name": "RhythmRight", "KeyboardCode": "RIGHTARROW", "GamepadCode": "DpadWest", "GroupName": "Arcade - Rhythm4K" } ] }, "HttpAllowList": [ "https://www.youtube.com/", "https://kick.com/" ], "PackageSettings": [ { "Choices": [], "ConVarName": "", "DisplayName": "New Setting..." } ], "Summary": "Welcome Home... To your s\u0026box home!", "Description": "Please note that this game is a heavy work in progress and is currently only being made by 1 person (myself) in my spare time.\n\nThis map is very WIP and will expand/evolve over time as I create the content I currently have envisioned.\n\nThe goal for Home is that anyone will be able to create their own sub-communities via servers that host different maps as well as content via addons.\n\nIf you wish to create your own content, please let me know as I plan on documenting the process and creating a guide for it.\n\nMy main project at the moment is my full-time job working on Turnip Boy Robs a Bank. Please consider checking it out!", "Public": true, "Collision": { "Defaults": { "solid": "Collide", "trigger": "Trigger", "ladder": "Ignore", "water": "Trigger" }, "Pairs": [ { "a": "solid", "b": "solid", "r": "Collide" }, { "a": "trigger", "b": "playerclip", "r": "Ignore" }, { "a": "trigger", "b": "solid", "r": "Trigger" }, { "a": "solid", "b": "trigger", "r": "Collide" }, { "a": "playerclip", "b": "solid", "r": "Collide" } ] }, "ReplaceTags": "chill life simulation sandbox community living", "ParentPackage": "", "Resources": "/ui/*\n/ui/styles/*\n/ui/chat/*\n/code/ui/*\n/code/ui/chat/*\n*.scss\nsprites/*", "MenuResources": "/ui/mainmenu/*\n/ui/ui_roof*\n/ui/pausemenu/*\n/ui/inventory/*\n/ui/tabmenu/playerlist/*", "CodePackageReferences": [] }
alex.lcd [game]carsonk.mediahelpers [game]shadb.ddrmachine [game]