
Bird Bounce is my first attempt ever at making any game. I obviously went with flappy bird because it is simple and helped me grasp the basics of S&box. Ive been up for the past 48+ hours trying to "polish" this before gamejam2 because of the dead line. I legit havent for slept 2 nights in a row thank to good ol' S&box. I ended up submitting with 3 minutes left in the gamejam. This game took maybe 15 - 20 days to make starting from absolutely 0 game dev programming knowledge.


Thank you for writing reviews and thank you for pointing out issues. The bird acts unbalenced due to the world slowing down on death, causing the physics to roll the opposite direction and look a little odd. As for flying into the side of pipes on rare occasion? No clue, any ideas are welcome. Added difficulty saving for current session.