Bird Bounce Reviews

55 Days Ago
3 Months Ago
4 Months Ago
A good clone, works well. Only issue I found was the difficulty choice reset after each run. Great work.
4 Months Ago
4 Months Ago
Awesome first game! I really appreciate the fact that you made custom assets for it. Love the detail of starting straight from the game menu too, added some nice charm! Really excited to see your next game :)
4 Months Ago
There's a small bug with the menu staying on screen sometimes, and I was able to get the bird to fall into the pipe. I think the bird is a bit unbalanced/heavy falling too quickly to react but maybe just bad timing on my part. Well done :D
4 Months Ago
Thanks for trying your hardest to make a GOOD Flappy Bird clone, this really is the Only Kind of Fun
Classic! Having some kind of leaderboard would insert a lot of incentive to keep going. Love it.
5 Months Ago
For your first attempt making a game, I think this is great. You picked a proven concept with a sensible scope and delivered. Great work :)