59 Days Ago
This looks amazing and shows much promise! Loving the look of everything, the idea of it, great! However. I have some recommendations. The enemies...Can kill you way too quickly. You have 4 pips of health, and the Melee enemies alone take two of those away by them selves with no way to retaliate, my suggestion...A way to retaliate, like a parry or something. Assault Rifle enemies, they can delete all but 1 pip of health within half a second if you're not careful, and even when you are careful, they can still remove you from existence, my suggestion would be to make their full burst count as 1 pip of damage, because I'm not gonna lie, they were my main cause of frustration here. Snipers...Eh the snipers are alright, I've got no complaints with them. Though I would like an indicator for when they're about to fire, like their laser brightening slowly right before. In short, 6/10, amazing concept and art style, needs a little work on the execution.