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About Idaho RP


WASD - Move
F - Flashlight
T - Teleport to cabin (useful for unstuck)
Space - Jump
Ctrl - Crouch
Alt - Walk
Shift - Sprint

Version 0.1.1 2024-06-17

First public patch.

* Players may now teleport back to the cabin using the "T" key.
    - This is useful for players who have been glitched inside a wall.

* Greatly reduced the rate of flashlight charge depletion.
* Adjusted the appearance of interaction menu.
* The chat box now closes after sending a message.
* Various minor UI changes.
* Grabbable props no longer occlude audio.
* Voice transmitter position has been moved from player origin to eye level.

* Fixed the ground level plane collider using the default surface sound.

Version 0.1.2 2024-06-21

Second public patch, the "vibes" update.

* Added a "Hold" interaction to most grabbable props.
    - Pressing Alt+R on a prop is a shortcut for holding it.
    - While holding a prop, press Alt+R to place it where you're looking.
    - While holding a prop, press Alt+Mouse1 to throw it.
* Added a zoom action, which reduces FOV and mouse sensitivity while hiding the crosshair.
    - Players may hold "X" to zoom in.
* Added SSAO, which greatly improves the visuals of corners.
    - Known issue: ambient occlusion will be incorrectly drawn over certain models, such as the curtains.
* Added various hinged doors.
* Added several new light sources.
* Added many models and materials from Opium and My Summer Cottage
    - Most of these new models act like paperweights, having no special behavior yet.

* Players are no longer able to push props by running or somersaulting in to them.
* Test Map
    - Sculpted and painted more terrain.
    - Added a few more rocks and trees.
    - Fully enclosed the cabin.
* Glyphs:
    - Glyphs in the glyph bar now dim whenever their corresponding action is pressed.
    - Increased size of all glyphs.
* Improve consistency of fridge door behavior.
* Player camera position has been slightly adjusted, and its ZNear has been increased.
    - Grabbed objects may be slightly more prone to clipping, but everything else still shouldn't be clipping.
* Tweaked the volume of some sounds.

* Fixed anomalous side table behavior:
    - The mass override of the drawer's rigidbody now gets restored after being clobbered.
    - The table will no longer collide with its own drawer.
* Fixed "floating fridge" glitch.
* Fixed light switch sounds not being broadcast to other players.
* Fixed interact menu cursor having incorrect appearance after Yoga 3 update.

Version 0.1.3 2024-06-21

Launch mode hotfix

* Set LaunchMode to Quick Play so that players will attempt to join an existing session before creating a new one.

Version 0.1.4 2024-06-21

Hinge desync hotfix (Part 1)

* Added workaround for an issue where when a player joins the game, the MinAngle and MaxAngle of all HingeJoints will be offset by their current angle.
    - Now whenever a player takes ownership of a Door, the proper MinAngle and MaxAngle will be recalculated based on the synched StartAngle and the current LocalRotation of the door.

Version 0.1.5 2024-06-21

Hinge desync hotfix (Part 2)

* Fridge, oven, and kitchen cupboard doors are now treated as doors instead of just regular grabbable objects that just so happen to have a hinge joint.
    - This allows the hinge desync fix to cover these objects as well.

Version 0.1.6 2024-06-23

- Added `respawn` console command, which will kill the player and respawn them at a spawn point.
    - For now this is only useful for resetting the player controller if it enters a glitched state.

* Chat box improvements:
    - The text entry now displays your entire message at once.
    - Display Steam avatar image alongside each message.
        - Click on a user's avatar to open their Steam profile page.
    - When a new message is received, the chat history box will scroll to fit the entire message.
    - Clicking on a chat message will copy it to your clipboard.
* Increased interaction range by 50%.
    - It's no longer necessary to crouch just to interact with small objects on the floor.
* The hovered interaction index is no longer cleared when switching from one hovered prop to another.
    - This makes it easier to repetitively perform the same interaction on different props.
* Prevent non-admins from using `time_set`.

* Door hinges:
    - Doors will no longer gradually drift away from the hinge as you grab them.
    - Doors will no longer start with physics that mismatches other players.
* Fixed NullReferenceException when unhighlighting prop.
* Fixed held and grabbed props not being released on player disconnect. 
* Fixed highlight outline of hovered prop being networked to other players.
* Fixed a rare case where the current user of a grabbable wouldn't be cleared.

Version 0.1.7 2024-06-23

* Fixed exception when closing test cabin door.

Version 0.1.8 2024-06-26

* Added a small cabin in the woods.
    - This is where all players spawn now.
* Added perimeter fence.
    - You won't fall off the map unless you either clip through a mountain or go around the fence.

* Player flashlights are now much brighter.

* Fixed door hinges to work with new hinge joint changes.

Version 0.1.9 2024-06-27

* Added a "Break" interaction on windows.
    - Players may climb through destroyed windows.
* Added an "Unhinge" interaction on large doors.
    - This is useful in some situations where the door is blocked.
* Added `player_list` ConCmd

* Increased player grab strength.
* Doors are now slightly less wide than their frame.
* The hovered option in the interaction menu now clears whenever hovering a different GameObject.
    - Not resetting the option was confusing and could lead to players using the wrong interaction.

* Fixed players being able to hold objects that are being grabbed by another player.
* Fixed players too easily losing grip on large props.
* Fixed door hinges again, to work with even more changes.

Version 0.1.10 2024-06-28
* Added `dev_admin` boolean ConVar
    - Defaults to true.
    - If true, developers of Idaho RP are counted as admins.
    - If false, developers of Idaho RP are just normal players like any other.
* Added `player_setvolume` ConCmd
    - This command changes the volume of another player's voice chat.
    - Usage: `player_setvolume <query> <volume>`
    - Example: `player_setvolume ducc 0.2`
* Added `player_getvolume` ConCmd
    - This command prints the current volume of another player's voice chat.
    - Usage: `player_getvolume <query>`
    - Example: `player_getvolume 76561198000586141`
* Added `player_kick` ConCmd
    - This command forces the specified player to instantly close the game.
    - Usage: `player_kick <query> [reason]`
    - Example: `player_kick 072ce7bc-fe1c-408b-a4bd-502d4871259b`
    - Example: `player_kick tytimp4 "too much micspam"`

* Use Q instead of Shift to toggle between grab modes.
    - This removes a conflict with the sprint button.
* Breaking windows and unhinging doors now requires the player to hold down the use key for three seconds.
* Doors play a sound after being unhinged.
* Windows change their model, play a sound, and emit particles when broken.
* Slightly reduce player Alt-walk speed.
* `player_list` now returns each player's Connection Id, which may be used as the `<query>` argument in the commands listed above.
    - Steam ID and Display Name are also supported by the `<query>` argument.
* Anyone who isn't me automatically gets kicked from an editor session.

Version 0.1.11 2024-06-28

* Fixed window appearing completely missing after being broken by another player.

Version 0.1.12 2024-06-29

* Set launch mode to normal.

Version 0.1.13 2024-06-29

- Players may now tap the use button on the grab interaction to continuously grab a prop without needing to keep the use button pressed down.
    - Added `grab_tap_window` ConVar to change the length of the tap window (in seconds).

- Fixed campfire "Extinguish" interaction text being cut off in UI.
- Fixed players being able to take doors off their hinges while locked out.
- Fixed appearance of curtains.
    - Curtains won't be higlighted anymore. This works around an issue where the highlight outline fills the interior side of two-sided planes with the outline color.
    - An opaque material group (the floral pattern) has been chosen. This works around an issue where SSAO shadows will be drawn over non-opaque materials.

Version 0.1.14 2024-07-01

- Added new buildings.
    - Visitor Center
    - Shed
- Added ladders.
    - For now, the ladder just teleports whoever uses it.
- Added Flush interaction to toilets.
- Added Knock interaction to doors.

- After extinguishing a campfire, its light will fade out much more slowly.
- Curtains no longer have solid collision.
- Removed cooldown from Break and Unhinge interactions.

- Fixed several cases where sound effects would play too many times.
- Fixed exception when spawning players.

Version 0.1.15 2024-07-02

- Added `fov` command, which changes the first person camera's non-zoomed field of view.
    - The default value is 100. Range is 60 to 120.
    - Use `fov 0` to use the field of view preference in S&box.

- Fixed an issue where the player controller would be stuck forever believing that it is interacting with a prop.
- Fixed an issue where knocking on a door grabbed by another player would take ownership of the door.

Idaho RP

Chill multiplayer Idaho

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