Idaho RP Reviews

11 Days Ago
chill kinda guy
18 Days Ago
19 Days Ago
fun to explore
20 Days Ago
20 Days Ago
46 Days Ago
2 Months Ago
As a Idaho resident I can confirm, this is northern Idaho, got a Lowman feel.
2 Months Ago
nice duck
3 Months Ago
Ducc is clearly a talented developer and a lot of work has gone into making this an incredibly refined experience to his taste buds. I just don't think I'm the target demographic for a cabin roleplaying game :P
3 Months Ago
Very good game: Good mechanics, good graphics, thats really cool game
3 Months Ago
The best game. 10/10
4 Months Ago
i would like more mechanics aimed at people interaction. 'cause i guess it's the main purpose of this gamemode. and generally i would llike to see more rp's in s&box, but i think it needs more people at first.
4 Months Ago
this is great please let us use the axe or saw on players
aw hell na am i in the voices of the void universe???
4 Months Ago
I've driven through Idaho before, It looks just like this game! 10/10 would recommend
4 Months Ago
another duccsoft classic
5 Months Ago
5 Months Ago
6 Months Ago
terrain is glitchy asf on my a750, but really good interaction system. no clue if there's an objective, but it's really nice.
6 Months Ago
6 Months Ago
Let's get ducc to 100k followers
53 Days Ago
I forgot to add my comment about the gamemode being incredible. This game reminds me of beautiful memories
6 Months Ago
Is furry?
6 Months Ago
really awesome
6 Months Ago
The best 102 mins of my life