
Press ESC to exit any scene.
Use WASD to move freecam, and hold RMB to look around.
All windows with a blue title bar are draggable.


  • High performance Verlet rope physics
    • Runs entirely on the GPU
    • Simulate hundreds of ropes at once
      • Fresh AABBs for each rope are available on the CPU every frame
      • Updates to specific rope points may be sent to GPU every frame
  • Collision resolution
    • Supports SphereCollider, CapsuleCollider, and BoxCollider with no extra effort
    • Supports mesh collisions by baking a mesh distance field
      • In scenes where this occurs, you may notice hitching
  • Cloth Simulation
    • Also runs on GPU, sharing much the same code as the rope
      • Every collider type that rope supports is also supported by cloth
    • Each point is constrained with its eight (four cardinal, four shear) neighbors
    • Supports 32x32 (max thread group size) resolution
      • Higher resolutions produce artifacts, for now
    • Updates a vertex and index buffer every frame, keeping the cloth mesh up to date

Test Scenes

  • Move your mouse to wrap the rope around pins.
  • Freely modify the position and simulation parameters of cloth.
  • Watch cloth collide with various shapes.
Performance Benchmark
  • No actual benchmark yet - just spawn a bunch of GPU simulated ropes.
  • To see collisions, click the < and > arrows to change from "None" to "Sphere" or "Terry"
Mesh Distance Fields
  • This is very buggy and slow right now - I need to do a few fixes and some cleanup.
  • Generate mesh distance fields from a curated selection of models, and see how they collide with ropes.
  • Click on a voxel to open a window that will allow you to view each slice and texel of its volume texture.
    • Each octree leaf contains a volume texture that includes a gradient to the nearest triangle in the RGB channels, and a signed distance (after conversion) in the A channel.

Known Issues

  • There is a crash to desktop bug that seems somewhat random.
    • It's difficult to reproduce, and might not actually be happening anymore.
  • Collision resolution performance vs. meshes is poor
    • Too many unlikely colliders are being tested.
  • Mesh distance field build issues:
    • Performance tanks with high vertex counts
    • Build jobs are blocking the main thread more than is necessary
    • There are still large seams and cavities in many models

Post-Contest Plans

  • Library
    • Easy to use VerletRope and VerletCloth components
    • Allow different segments of rope to connect with each other
    • Run rope simulation in the editor window
      • Bake initial rope positions
  • Rope Physics
    • Rope points may have mass
    • Allow some points to be flagged as accessible on CPU
  • Mesh Distance Fields
    • Allow volume textures to represent an arbitrary size in worldspace.
      • Currently each volume texture is just 16^3 world units.
    • Optimize in-game bake process
      • The current solution scales very poorly with triangle count.
    • Cache large mesh distance fields to disk
    • Allow baking in editor, shipping prebaked mesh distance fields
    • Raymarched debug visualization