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Wise Guys Reviews

13 Days Ago
Fun game but needs an ending and some residuals from your goons
32 Days Ago
Not bad, was fun to play. As for suggestions to the devs: 1. There are a few glitches relating to enemy hits, especially giants and also when you're too close to an enemy, as well as occasional reloading glitches. 2. Further upgrades to the weapon, and more weapons that have more ammo such as a minigun. 3. The game seemed to glitch out at wave 50 with the countdown for the next wave going into the negative. I assume that's all the waves the game has to offer. 4. The game can often experience lag when more than 30 or 40 npcs are on the map.
46 Days Ago
fun to see this game again, worked fine while alone and then the game got more annoying with a rando joining. can't find a way to not make someone join. only thing id want from this is to not have rando's join.
48 Days Ago
Bunch of errors when I try to join someone else's game
49 Days Ago
Played a bunch back when it was first launched. Now that it's back I feel like it's moved a few steps forward and a few steps backwards. The new main menu and primary weapon are a very welcome addition to the game, and the new dialogue sprinkled in is hilarious. However I can't help but notice several bugs which I don't believe were present back when the game was newer over a year ago. Health bars don't seem to function properly, the removal of the radial tower selection menu is an odd decision I don't quite understand, and everything feels a little underpowered and worse than they used to be (may just be a placebo effect due to the health bar bug, not sure). There was also some major bugs present too, shooting enemies in the side or the back seemed to do no damage at all some times, and the game can keep going on even when the money pile depletes. Not to mention the poor performance I experienced. While I really do love Wise Guys, and it's a great time with a group of friends, the current state of the game leaves a lot to be desired.
49 Days Ago
A solid first-person tower defence game that reminds me of the old Sanctum games. This game shows a lot of promise but was mostly unplayable on my end due to the sheer amount of networking desyncs and NREs. The game also seemed to run at an average of 30fps on my PC, and trying to load into the second map would still load into the first one.
53 Days Ago
Overall good. some major hitreg problems and strange fog shader on dockyard map
53 Days Ago
Made it all the way to level 50, doesn't go past that
53 Days Ago
The gameplay and atmosphere is great, has its replayability, just needs some updates and fixes to its performance issues. Very very fun with friends
good start, great theme.
55 Days Ago
I love it. Very engaging. Got some performance issues around wave 25 onwards. Might be related to a bug where sometimes the wave would count as completed before all the enemies were dead and so two waves could be playing at once. Also had trouble with the boss health bars. They seemed to take almost no damage but at some point would take a bunch of damage all at once and die. Overall though, definitely one of the best games on S&Box atm.
55 Days Ago
Glad to see this back, keep polishing it!
56 Days Ago
Played multiplayer. I think there's promise but there's some work needed on making the game satisfying. There's some kind of bug with a sound constantly playing (see dev console?). Guns are severely under-powered and constantly running out of bullets, slow reload and recoil time can make the game feel a little frustrating compared to the fast pace of the tower defence characters (cops).
Has lots of potential, add more guns for player, more Goons to place, very cool Theme (mafia theme), some enemies seem to take damage and instantly get hp again and are unkillable had this issue around wave 16-18
50 Days Ago
Good game, with scene system
8 Months Ago