Dungeon Divers ⚔️ Reviews

16 Days Ago
type stuff
18 Days Ago
binding of issac like game for sure, love to se emoji being used as assets lol
22 Days Ago
Get it done
24 Days Ago
Super fun Roguelike, reminds me of TBOI. Only complaint - the animation makes it seem like you have full 360* aiming, but there are some angles you can't hit. Seems like an unintentional glitch
34 Days Ago
too much going on ngl
36 Days Ago
I like the idea, it was pretty choppy for me, and Lemur is right about the locked direction; makes it feel less smooth than it could I think
36 Days Ago
Very addictive and fun Game :D
47 Days Ago
Hope this gets fleshed out. Could really be something. Aiming being locked to directions really blows a lot of potential right away though.
48 Days Ago
fuck this game
49 Days Ago
52 Days Ago
hard aiming
55 Days Ago
Game feels solid, Aim snapping around the 8 directions seems odd abit.
56 Days Ago
The upgrades don't feel impactful, the aim snapping to one of 8 directions feels awful.
57 Days Ago
The game was good, my friend wasn't though, needs work.
58 Days Ago
weri cul geim
2 Months Ago
Very buggy. Buddy couldn't progress through doors invisible walls blocking his path. Game froze when a player joined and left.
2 Months Ago
Taking enough upgrades will make your framerate going to 0 when shooting. Big bullets + Splits + Range + 2 hands = boom.
2 Months Ago
Super fun game to sink time into, will definitely be coming back to this! Could use a bit more polish in places like adding a crosshair or changing the aiming, being able to get more details on your upgrades, a bit of balancing and just some more general variety!
2 Months Ago
Very fun just gets super laggy by second boss for me
2 Months Ago
Promising game, some polish, new items, bosses and etc. can make it better
2 Months Ago
Great game, lots of potential here.
2 Months Ago
2 Months Ago
2 Months Ago
Fun enter the gungeon style gameplay. Movement could be a little snapier but otherwise great game.
2 Months Ago
2 Months Ago
Really fun, I just wish I could open a minimap so I could see track back to where the shop and exits are. It would also be nice to turn off multiplayer as I people just join and start stealing my coins. There also seems to be a bug where sometimes you can dash through a wall and get stuck outside the map
2 Months Ago
Fun game but the further I got the longer the levels took to load. I had to quit because I was in an infinite loading screen.
2 Months Ago
Very good game, but the difficulty is too high, like the next level doesn't return health and the bullets shoot too close together.
2 Months Ago
It's cool to see a 2D game. Cute visuals. The only negative was the 8 directional shooting. That just didn't feel right when using a mouse.
2 Months Ago
kinda boring but okay
2 Months Ago
incredible !!
2 Months Ago
the delicious vibe when a hedgehog beats your nuts
2 Months Ago
Reminds me of Realm of the Mad God, it almost made me forget about my permanent ban on s&box discord :(