{ "MaxPlayers": 64, "MinPlayers": 1, "MapSelect": "Unrestricted", "MapList": [ "facepunch.crossfire" ], "GameNetworkType": "Multiplayer", "RankType": "None", "PerMapRanking": false, "LeaderboardType": "None", "GameCategory": "Shooter", "Physics": { "SubSteps": 1, "TimeScale": 1, "Gravity": "0,0,-800", "AirDensity": 1.2, "SleepingEnabled": true, "SimulationMode": "Continuous", "PositionIterations": 2, "VelocityIterations": 8, "SoftBodyIterations": 1, "SoftBodySubsteps": 1 }, "Collision": { "Defaults": { "solid": "Collide", "trigger": "Trigger", "ladder": "Ignore", "water": "Trigger", "playerragdoll": "Ignore", "projectile": "Ignore", "player": "Collide" }, "Pairs": [ { "a": "solid", "b": "solid", "r": "Collide" }, { "a": "trigger", "b": "playerclip", "r": "Ignore" }, { "a": "trigger", "b": "solid", "r": "Trigger" }, { "a": "solid", "b": "trigger", "r": "Collide" }, { "a": "playerclip", "b": "solid", "r": "Collide" }, { "a": "solid", "b": "water" }, { "a": "solid", "b": "playerragdoll" }, { "a": "trigger", "b": "playerragdoll" }, { "a": "ladder", "b": "playerragdoll" }, { "a": "water", "b": "playerragdoll" }, { "a": "playerragdoll", "b": "projectile", "r": "Ignore" }, { "a": "solid", "b": "player", "r": "Collide" }, { "a": "player", "b": "player", "r": "Collide" }, { "a": "projectile", "b": "player", "r": "Ignore" } ] }, "CsProjName": "", "HttpAllowList": [ "https://asset.party/" ], "Summary": "A Half-Life themed Deathmatch mode in s\u0026box!", "Description": "STILL IN EARLY DEVELOPMENT, MANY THINGS ARE NOT IMPLEMENTED OR WORKING CORRECTLY! EVERYTHING IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE.\n\n2.0 Update officaly out! Have fun!\n\n---Map Rotation---\n4ange\nlockdown\n\nA Half-Life themed Deathmatch mode in s\u0026box!", "Public": false, "PackageSettings": [ { "DisplayType": "Boolean", "Choices": [], "ConVarName": "dm04_enableclothing", "DisplayName": "Enable Player Clothing?", "DefaultValue": "true", "Description": "Allow Player to have clothing selected in the avatar menu of s\u0026box.", "Group": "Player Settings" } ], "TickRate": 64, "LaunchConfigs": [ { "Name": "HLDM-Crossfire", "GameIdent": "gman.dm04#local", "MapName": "facepunch.crossfire", "MaxPlayers": 64, "GameSettings": {}, "Addons": "", "PreLaunchCommand": "", "PostLaunchCommand": "" } ], "ControlModes": {}, "InputSettings": { "Actions": [ { "Name": "Forward", "KeyboardCode": "W", "GroupName": "Movement" }, { "Name": "Backward", "KeyboardCode": "S", "GroupName": "Movement" }, { "Name": "Left", "KeyboardCode": "A", "GroupName": "Movement" }, { "Name": "Right", "KeyboardCode": "D", "GroupName": "Movement" }, { "Name": "Jump", "KeyboardCode": "space", "GamepadCode": "A", "GroupName": "Movement" }, { "Name": "Run", "KeyboardCode": "shift", "GamepadCode": "LeftJoystickButton", "GroupName": "Movement" }, { "Name": "Walk", "KeyboardCode": "alt", "GroupName": "Movement" }, { "Name": "Duck", "KeyboardCode": "ctrl", "GamepadCode": "B", "GroupName": "Movement" }, { "Name": "attack1", "KeyboardCode": "mouse1", "GamepadCode": "RightTrigger", "GroupName": "Actions" }, { "Name": "attack2", "KeyboardCode": "mouse2", "GamepadCode": "LeftTrigger", "GroupName": "Actions" }, { "Name": "reload", "KeyboardCode": "r", "GamepadCode": "X", "GroupName": "Actions" }, { "Name": "use", "KeyboardCode": "e", "GamepadCode": "Y", "GroupName": "Actions" }, { "Name": "Slot1", "KeyboardCode": "1", "GamepadCode": "DpadWest", "GroupName": "Inventory" }, { "Name": "Slot2", "KeyboardCode": "2", "GamepadCode": "DpadEast", "GroupName": "Inventory" }, { "Name": "Slot3", "KeyboardCode": "3", "GamepadCode": "DpadSouth", "GroupName": "Inventory" }, { "Name": "Slot4", "KeyboardCode": "4", "GroupName": "Inventory" }, { "Name": "Slot5", "KeyboardCode": "5", "GroupName": "Inventory" }, { "Name": "Slot6", "KeyboardCode": "6", "GroupName": "Inventory" }, { "Name": "Slot7", "KeyboardCode": "7", "GroupName": "Inventory" }, { "Name": "Slot8", "KeyboardCode": "8", "GroupName": "Inventory" }, { "Name": "Slot9", "KeyboardCode": "9", "GroupName": "Inventory" }, { "Name": "Slot0", "KeyboardCode": "0", "GroupName": "Inventory" }, { "Name": "SlotPrev", "KeyboardCode": "mouse4", "GamepadCode": "SwitchLeftBumper", "GroupName": "Inventory" }, { "Name": "SlotNext", "KeyboardCode": "mouse5", "GamepadCode": "SwitchRightBumper", "GroupName": "Inventory" }, { "Name": "View", "KeyboardCode": "C", "GamepadCode": "RightJoystickButton", "GroupName": "Other" }, { "Name": "Voice", "KeyboardCode": "v", "GamepadCode": "RightJoystickButton", "GroupName": "Other" }, { "Name": "Drop", "KeyboardCode": "g", "GamepadCode": "RightJoystickButton", "GroupName": "Other" }, { "Name": "Flashlight", "KeyboardCode": "f", "GamepadCode": "DpadNorth", "GroupName": "Other" }, { "Name": "Score", "KeyboardCode": "tab", "GamepadCode": "SwitchLeftMenu", "GroupName": "Other" }, { "Name": "Menu", "KeyboardCode": "Q", "GamepadCode": "SwitchRightMenu", "GroupName": "Other" }, { "Name": "Chat", "KeyboardCode": "enter", "GroupName": "Other" } ] }, "Resources": "ui/*\nui/weapons/*", "MenuResources": "ui/MainMenu/*\nsounds/menu/*\nui/MainMenu/GameMenu/XGUI/*", "CodePackageReferences": [] }