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Pack Up & Go Reviews

10 Days Ago
Neat little game. Cool music. Sound effects loud asf. Had a bug where I couldn't close the briefcase. I would like to see more levels.
11 Days Ago
I can't seem to close the briefcase? Also, you can pack away the key, softlocking yourself? Or I couldn't seem to figure out how to do either of these. But seems fun otherwise, even if unfinishable at the moment. (Do tell me if I screwed something up tho)
18 Days Ago
Great game! Simple, fun and well executed.
21 Days Ago
it didn't allow me to close the briefcase at the end :(
Very good concept and execution for its simplicity. Id suggest making some simple changes leaning in to the competetive aspect of it. I suggest smoothing out the map to prevent getting stuck on terrain, tweaking or getting rid of the mouse smoothing and refining the 'throw' mechanic.
22 Days Ago
Easy to learn, hard to master. Well made game for what its trying to achieve! Would be cool to have updates with more levels. Such as having crashed with your car/taxi and the suitcase has opened and items are spread in the neighborhood. Still not got a lot of time, so got to get on your legs and find your stuff before getting onwards. Ending the entire story with you actually being on the run as you are actually a criminal or something :p (Ahh! All the ideas that runs through my mind)
23 Days Ago
Too real.
23 Days Ago
Only took me 2 attempts. It's a rush for sure. Those 3 minutes can feel very tantalising. Putting things in the suitcase sometimes seems a little bugged but maybe I'm just rushing to make it on time :)
I didn't miss my flight.
23 Days Ago
Pretty fun, would like this expanded with more variation and expanded art, levels. Do think books should be labeled in some way, which one's you need.
Has quite a bit of potential, just needs more levels for it to stay relevant but so far nice little game!
23 Days Ago
Nice little game! I like that the music gets faster with time
23 Days Ago
Creative concept and frantic gameplay