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2 Months Ago
Early stage of it so its hard to say, but seems promising. i came out on snow map and was falling down forever.
2 Months Ago
This kid has a bright future
2 Months Ago
Really great game on S&box one of the best on here to be honest.
i personally go to this game when i bored and its my to go game and i really enjoy, plus it gives me inspiration.
2 Months Ago
It has alot of potential that i feel can be unearthed soon through constant updates and hard work. Keep it up.
3 Months Ago
Shows a lot of promise. Can't wait to see this game in it's later stages. Hopefully with a type of coop, horde mode etc. Keep up the great work!
3 Months Ago
At the beginning 60-80 fps, after 1-2 minutes, with the appearance of several zombies, fps drops to 0-20 (i78750h/gtx1070/32gb) upd: Oh, I uninstalled sbox yesterday, reinstalled today and oh god, now 80-140fps. WTF!!!? Yes with heavy drops due to limbs/particles/entities, but it's nothing compared to yesterday...
3 Months Ago
Left 4 Dead 2 in s&box!
3 Months Ago
We are so back