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Changelog 6 - Shoulders / Customizations / Builds

Hi there!

Here's the latest update from the front lines! We are making progress on various features that we're eager to unveil to you. Here are some exciting features we're currently working on, so stay tuned for their release in the production environment!

First Piece of Customization:
- Fur Colors / Eye Colors / Hair Colors: Customize your character with a variety of vibrant fur, eye, and hair colors.

Experimental Feature:
- Rework Building & Destruction System: This task is crucial, and I am dedicated to creating a construction and destruction system that provides satisfying feedback to players. I anticipate this will take a few more weeks to perfect.

Ongoing Feature:
- Boost to the Moon: Jump on your friend's shoulder and get an exhilarating boost that propels you all the way to the moon 🚀🐒! This feature will include engaging animations to enhance the experience. (video will be shown when video upload will works 🗿)

User Comments

53 Days Ago
Great progress as always
53 Days Ago
The Goat Itself