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First Update!

The first update since going live
I launched the game publicly today after almost 3 weeks of working on it, and I was very surprised by some of the initial feedback I got, as always happens because I have been living and breathing this game and don't know realize what might be confusing for a new player.

Some of the things I did in this update are as follows:
Added a confirmation to quitting the game
Made ammo count more clear for heavy weapons, and made you start with your primary equipped.
Made ammo spawn in the world instead of only being obtained via enemy kills.
Added passive health regen.
made everything to do with using your special ability better.
Changed how upgrades work, so that when you kill a super boss you are instantly taken to the upgrade screen instead of having to pick it up.

All of these changes should reduce friction in how people play the game, especially without a tutorial.
The results screen is white text on a black background, I am planning a massive overhaul to this that will involve the next big thing:

Leaderboards! high score leaderboards will be available soon, per map, so you can start competing with eachother.

More enemy variety and performance optimizations are my two biggest focuses when it comes to gameplay, as well as improving the item system. I've already implemented a basic multithreading solution for enemy logic. The better the game runs, the more enemies I can spawn, and the more enemies I can spawn the more insane things can get.

I still need a lot of feedback around game loop and mechanics, as planning for other people who know nothing about my game is not a strong suit and I was already very surprised by initial feedback.

The thing I was most happy about was the fact that no errors (besides my own in testing) were reported from the game with people playing. I did a lot of work to make sure this was the case.

I have a notion board I'm using to keep track of progress and I'm filling it out quite nicely, I'm leaving a lot of time for polish.
The errors came for me. They were surprising too, although one of them was just a dumb ordering mistake with multi threading I made. I pushed another update fixing a lot of these, fingers crossed.

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