Transform Add( Vector3 position, bool worldSpace )



The Transform.Add method allows you to add a specified position to the current transform, either in local or world space. This method returns a new Transform instance with the updated position.


To use the Add method, you need to provide a Vector3 representing the position you want to add, and a bool indicating whether the position should be added in world space or local space.

If worldSpace is set to true, the position will be added in world coordinates. If set to false, the position will be added in local coordinates relative to the current transform.


// Example of using Transform.Add
Transform currentTransform = new Transform();
Vector3 additionalPosition = new Vector3(1, 2, 3);
bool useWorldSpace = true;

// Add the position in world space
Transform newTransform = currentTransform.Add(additionalPosition, useWorldSpace);

// Add the position in local space
Transform newLocalTransform = currentTransform.Add(additionalPosition, false);