This is very much in development, and we're making it up as we go along. Getting this system in place was the first step.
Our next step is to get a payment system in place, so we can do KYC, tax forms and send money out. I'd expect that to be in place by the end of this month and, failing that, definitely by the end of next month.
We're particularly sensitive to people wanting to be paid out in obscure places, so when looking at a payment provider, the ability to pay out to as many countries as possible is on our mind. Obviously, if a country has sanctions against it, we won't be able to send money to people in that country until the sanctions are lifted.
I'm waiting for server code for large projects in 500 players, as well as small projects in 50 players. Then monetisation will shine bright colours.
Good news, keep up the good work, FP
*excluding the blood, sweat, and tears put into developing
You should, because what WILL happen is that games will be made that don't make the player want to play more because they are fun, but games that use manipulation tactics to keep players playing, the same tactics ad infested mobile games use to get more eyes on the ads and drive up revenue. The same tactics casinos use to keep people gambling more and more
A system designed around player retention is a system asking to be abused with an influx of games designed to manipulate the player into playing more
things we ALL hate in games, things like Battle Passes, Loot Boxes, daily log in rewards are things this system rewards, because even if you don't allow microtransactions games will still use systems like Lootboxes to keep players playing
If you want a platform filled with greedy people motivated by profits over passion, then this is a perfect system
but if you want to reward quality over quantity, this is not it, this system rewards games with as little effort as possible into the actual game and the most effort possible into payer retention
Yes people will optimize their games to make people want to play them more. Game developers have been doing that for 60 years. I'm not sure what kind of games you want?
Lets get it - see you on my games bois