static Rotation Difference( Rotation from, Rotation to )



The Rotation.Difference method calculates the rotational difference between two Rotation instances. This method is useful for determining how much one rotation differs from another, which can be particularly useful in animations, physics calculations, or any scenario where you need to interpolate between two orientations.


To use the Rotation.Difference method, provide two Rotation objects as parameters. The method will return a new Rotation object representing the difference between the two rotations.


  • from - The starting Rotation from which the difference is calculated.
  • to - The target Rotation to which the difference is calculated.

Returns: A Rotation object representing the difference between the two input rotations.


// Example usage of Rotation.Difference
Rotation startRotation = Rotation.From(0, 0, 0); // Identity rotation
Rotation endRotation = Rotation.From(90, 0, 0); // 90 degrees pitch

Rotation difference = Rotation.Difference(startRotation, endRotation);

// The 'difference' now holds the rotation needed to go from startRotation to endRotation.