Color Cyan



The Color.Cyan field represents a fully opaque cyan color. It is a static and public field of the Color struct, which means it can be accessed without instantiating a Color object. This field is useful for quickly accessing a standard cyan color without needing to manually define the RGBA values.


To use the Color.Cyan field, simply reference it directly from the Color struct. This can be useful in scenarios where you need a predefined cyan color, such as setting the color of a UI element or a game object.


// Example of using Color.Cyan

// Set the color of a material to cyan
Material material = new Material();
material.Color = Color.Cyan;

// Use cyan color in a UI element
UIElement element = new UIElement();
element.BackgroundColor = Color.Cyan;

// Assign cyan color to a light
Light light = new Light();
light.Color = Color.Cyan;