Asset Asset { get; set; }



The Asset property of the AssetPreview class represents the asset that is being previewed. This property is of type Editor.Asset, which encapsulates the data and functionality related to an asset within the editor environment.


To use the Asset property, you can access it directly from an instance of the AssetPreview class. This property allows you to get or set the asset that is currently being previewed.


// Example of accessing the Asset property

// Assume assetPreview is an instance of AssetPreview
Editor.Assets.AssetPreview assetPreview = new Editor.Assets.AssetPreview();

// Get the current asset being previewed
Editor.Asset currentAsset = assetPreview.Asset;

// Set a new asset to be previewed
Editor.Asset newAsset = new Editor.Asset();
assetPreview.Asset = newAsset;