SceneWorld World { get; set; }



The World property of the AssetPreview class provides access to the SceneWorld instance associated with the asset preview. This property is used to manage and interact with the scene world where the asset is rendered for preview purposes.


To use the World property, you first need to have an instance of the AssetPreview class. Once you have the instance, you can access the World property to interact with the scene world. This can be useful for setting up the environment, lighting, or other scene-related configurations for the asset preview.


// Assuming 'assetPreview' is an instance of AssetPreview
SceneWorld previewWorld = assetPreview.World;

// You can now use 'previewWorld' to manipulate the scene world
// For example, adding a light source or adjusting the environment
previewWorld.AddLight(new Light { Position = new Vector3(0, 10, 0), Color = Color.White });