static void DispatchPreEdited( SerializedProperty property )
static void DispatchPreEdited( GameObject go, string propertyName )
static void DispatchPreEdited( Component cmp, string propertyName )
static void DispatchPreEdited( IEnumerable<GameObject> gos, string propertyName )
static void DispatchPreEdited( IEnumerable<Component> cmps, string propertyName )



The DispatchPreEdited method is a static extension method provided by the Editor.SceneEditorExtensions class. It is used to trigger an event or perform an action before a serialized property is edited in the scene editor. This method is particularly useful for handling pre-editing logic, such as validation or preparation tasks, before the actual editing of the property takes place.


To use the DispatchPreEdited method, you need to pass a Sandbox.SerializedProperty object as a parameter. This object represents the property that is about to be edited. The method does not return any value.

Ensure that the Sandbox.SerializedProperty you pass is valid and properly initialized before calling this method.


// Example usage of DispatchPreEdited

// Assume 'property' is a valid SerializedProperty object
Sandbox.SerializedProperty property = GetSerializedProperty();

// Call the DispatchPreEdited method

// Function to retrieve a SerializedProperty (for demonstration purposes)
Sandbox.SerializedProperty GetSerializedProperty()
    // Logic to obtain and return a SerializedProperty
    return new Sandbox.SerializedProperty();