void AddVelocity()



The AddVelocity method is a virtual method in the MoveModeWalk class, which is part of the Sandbox.Movement namespace. This method is responsible for adding velocity to the player character when they are in the walking mode. It is designed to be overridden in derived classes to provide specific behavior for adding velocity in different walking scenarios.


To use the AddVelocity method, you should have an instance of the MoveModeWalk class or a derived class. This method does not take any parameters and does not return a value. It is typically called within the context of a player controller to adjust the player's velocity based on the current walking mode.


// Example of overriding the AddVelocity method in a derived class
public class CustomWalkMode : MoveModeWalk
    public override void AddVelocity()
        // Custom logic to add velocity
        // For example, apply a boost to the player's speed
        // Additional velocity logic here

// Usage
CustomWalkMode walkMode = new CustomWalkMode();