float StepDownHeight { get; set; }



The StepDownHeight property defines the maximum height that a character can step down when walking. This property is part of the MoveModeWalk class, which handles the walking movement mode for a character in the game. It is used to determine how far a character can step down from a ledge or a step without falling.


To use the StepDownHeight property, you can access it directly from an instance of the MoveModeWalk class. This property is a float and can be set to define the desired step down height for the character.

Example usage:

MoveModeWalk walkMode = new MoveModeWalk();
walkMode.StepDownHeight = 0.5f; // Set the step down height to 0.5 units


MoveModeWalk walkMode = new MoveModeWalk();
walkMode.StepDownHeight = 0.5f; // Set the step down height to 0.5 units