The GetFingerCurl
method retrieves the curl value of a specified finger on the VR controller. The curl value is a floating-point number representing the degree to which the finger is curled, with 0.0 indicating a fully extended finger and 1.0 indicating a fully curled finger.
To use the GetFingerCurl
method, you need to specify the index of the finger you want to check. The index typically corresponds to a specific finger, such as the thumb, index, middle, ring, or pinky finger. The method returns a float
value representing the curl of the specified finger.
Example finger indices might be:
- 0 - Thumb
- 1 - Index Finger
- 2 - Middle Finger
- 3 - Ring Finger
- 4 - Pinky Finger
// Example usage of GetFingerCurl method
VRController vrController = new VRController();
// Get the curl value of the index finger
int fingerIndex = 1; // Index finger
float curlValue = vrController.GetFingerCurl(fingerIndex);
// Output the curl value
// Note: Replace with appropriate logging or UI update in your application
// e.g., Debug.Log($"Index Finger Curl: {curlValue}");