Sandbox.VR.VRHandJointData[] GetJoints( MotionRange motionRange )



The GetJoints method of the VRController class retrieves an array of VRHandJointData objects, which represent the joint data of a VR hand. This method allows you to access detailed information about the hand's joints, which can be useful for applications that require precise hand tracking and manipulation.


To use the GetJoints method, you need to specify the motionRange parameter, which determines the range of motion for the joints you want to retrieve. The motionRange parameter is of type MotionRange, which can typically be set to values like MotionRange.WithinController or MotionRange.WithoutController depending on whether you want the joint data relative to the controller or in a free space.


// Example of using the GetJoints method
VRController controller = new VRController();
MotionRange motionRange = MotionRange.WithinController; // or MotionRange.WithoutController
VRHandJointData[] jointData = controller.GetJoints(motionRange);

foreach (var joint in jointData)
    // Process each joint's data
    Console.WriteLine($"Joint: {joint.Name}, Position: {joint.Position}, Rotation: {joint.Rotation}");