static Vector3 VectorPlaneProject( Vector3& v, Vector3& planeNormal )



The VectorPlaneProject method is a static method of the Vector3 struct. It projects a given vector onto a plane defined by a normal vector. This is useful in various mathematical and physics calculations where you need to find the component of a vector that lies in a plane.


To use the VectorPlaneProject method, you need to pass two parameters by reference:

  • v: A reference to the Vector3 that you want to project onto the plane.
  • planeNormal: A reference to the normal vector of the plane onto which the vector v will be projected.
  • The method returns a Vector3 that represents the projection of v onto the plane defined by planeNormal.

    Note: Both parameters are passed by reference, which means the method can modify the original vectors if needed.


// Example usage of Vector3.VectorPlaneProject
Vector3 vector = new Vector3(3, 4, 5);
Vector3 planeNormal = new Vector3(0, 1, 0); // Y-axis as the normal
Vector3 projectedVector = Vector3.VectorPlaneProject(ref vector, ref planeNormal);

// Output the projected vector
// projectedVector should be (3, 0, 5) since the Y component is removed
Debug.Log($"Projected Vector: {projectedVector}");