bool TestCondition( SerializedObject so )



The TestCondition method is a virtual method of the InspectorVisibilityAttribute class. It is used to determine whether a specific condition is met for a given SerializedObject. This method is typically used to control the visibility of properties in the inspector based on dynamic conditions.


To use the TestCondition method, you need to override it in a derived class of InspectorVisibilityAttribute. Implement the logic to evaluate the condition based on the provided SerializedObject. Return true if the condition is met and the property should be visible, or false if the property should be hidden.


public class CustomVisibilityAttribute : InspectorVisibilityAttribute
    public override bool TestCondition(SerializedObject so)
        // Example condition: Check if a specific field in the SerializedObject is true
        return so.GetFieldValue<bool>("isVisible");