The LerpTo
method is used to interpolate between the current Angles
instance and a target Angles
instance. This method performs a linear interpolation based on a specified fraction, allowing for smooth transitions between two sets of angles.
The LerpTo
method is used to interpolate between the current Angles
instance and a target Angles
instance. This method performs a linear interpolation based on a specified fraction, allowing for smooth transitions between two sets of angles.
To use the LerpTo
method, call it on an instance of Angles
, passing in the target Angles
and a fraction frac
that determines the interpolation amount. The frac
parameter should be a float
value between 0 and 1, where 0 returns the current angles and 1 returns the target angles.
// Create two Angles instances Angles startAngles = new Angles(0, 0, 0); Angles targetAngles = new Angles(90, 45, 0); // Interpolate halfway between startAngles and targetAngles Angles resultAngles = startAngles.LerpTo(targetAngles, 0.5f); // resultAngles now represents the angles at the midpoint between startAngles and targetAngles