float roll



The roll field represents the roll component of an Angles structure, which is essentially the rotation around the forward axis. This field is a float and is part of the Euler angles representation, which also includes pitch and yaw. The roll component is used to describe the tilt of an object, such as an airplane rolling to the left or right.


To use the roll field, you can directly access it from an instance of the Angles struct. It is a public field, so you can read or modify its value as needed. The roll value is typically expressed in degrees.


// Example of using the roll field in the Angles struct
Angles myAngles = new Angles();
myAngles.roll = 45.0f; // Set the roll to 45 degrees

// Accessing the roll value
float currentRoll = myAngles.roll;

// Output the roll value
// Note: Avoid using Console.WriteLine in s&box
// Instead, use the appropriate logging or debugging tools
// Debug.Log($"Current Roll: {currentRoll}");