string Rgba { get; set; }



The Rgba property of the Color struct provides a string representation of the color in the CSS rgba function notation. This format is commonly used in web development to define colors with red, green, blue, and alpha (transparency) components.


Use the Rgba property to obtain a string that represents the color in the rgba(r, g, b, a) format, where r, g, b, and a are the red, green, blue, and alpha components of the color, respectively. This can be useful for debugging, logging, or when you need to output the color in a format that is easily readable or compatible with CSS.


// Example of using the Rgba property
Color color = new Color(0.5f, 0.4f, 0.3f, 0.8f);
string rgbaString = color.Rgba;
// rgbaString will be "rgba(128, 102, 77, 0.8)"