string Hex { get; set; }



The Hex property of the Color32 struct provides a string representation of the color in the hexadecimal format. This format is commonly used in web development and graphics programming to specify colors. The string is formatted as "#RRGGBB[AA]", where:

  • RR represents the red component in hexadecimal (00 to FF).
  • GG represents the green component in hexadecimal (00 to FF).
  • BB represents the blue component in hexadecimal (00 to FF).
  • AA (optional) represents the alpha component in hexadecimal (00 to FF), indicating transparency.


To retrieve the hexadecimal string representation of a Color32 instance, simply access the Hex property. This is useful for converting color data to a format that can be easily used in CSS or other systems that require color input in hexadecimal format.


// Example of using the Hex property
Color32 color = new Color32 { r = 255, g = 165, b = 0, a = 255 }; // Orange color
string hexValue = color.Hex;
// hexValue will be "#FFA500FF"