System.UInt32 RgbaInt { get; set; }



The RgbaInt property of the Color32 struct provides an integer representation of the color in the format 0xRRGGBBAA. This format encodes the red, green, blue, and alpha (transparency) components of the color into a single 32-bit unsigned integer. Each component is represented by 8 bits, allowing values from 0 to 255 for each component.


Use the RgbaInt property to retrieve or set the color as a 32-bit unsigned integer. This can be useful for operations that require a compact representation of color data, such as storing colors in a buffer or performing bitwise operations.


// Example of using the RgbaInt property
Color32 color = new Color32();
color.r = 255; // Red component
color.g = 165; // Green component
color.b = 0;   // Blue component
color.a = 255; // Alpha component (fully opaque)

// Get the integer representation
uint rgbaValue = color.RgbaInt;

// Output: 0xFFA500FF (Orange color)
// Set the color using an integer representation
color.RgbaInt = 0xFF0000FF; // Set to fully opaque red

// Access individual components
byte red = color.r;   // 255
byte green = color.g; // 0
byte blue = color.b;  // 0
byte alpha = color.a; // 255