The `Frame` method is a public instance method of the `ComponentListWidget` class, which is a subclass of `Editor.Widget`. This method is used to perform operations related to the rendering or updating of the widget's frame. It is typically called during the widget's lifecycle to ensure that the visual representation is current and reflects any changes in the underlying data or state.
To use the `Frame` method, you need to have an instance of the `ComponentListWidget` class. This method does not take any parameters and does not return a value. It is generally called within the context of the widget's lifecycle, such as during an update loop or in response to specific events that require the widget to refresh its display.
// Assuming you have an instance of ComponentListWidget
ComponentListWidget myWidget = new ComponentListWidget();
// Call the Frame method to update the widget's frame
// Example of using the Frame method in a ComponentListWidget
// Create an instance of ComponentListWidget
ComponentListWidget componentListWidget = new ComponentListWidget();
// Call the Frame method to update the widget's frame
// This would typically be done in a context where the widget needs to be updated,
// such as in a UI update loop or when responding to changes in the data model.