bool TestCondition( System.Object targetObject, TypeDescription td )



The TestCondition method is a virtual method of the ConditionalVisibilityAttribute class. It is used to determine whether a specific condition is met for a given object, which in turn affects the visibility of a property in the inspector. This method is part of the attribute's functionality to conditionally hide properties based on runtime conditions.


To use the TestCondition method, you need to override it in a derived class of ConditionalVisibilityAttribute. This method takes two parameters:

  • targetObject: The object instance on which the condition is being tested.
  • td: A TypeDescription object that provides metadata about the type of the object.

The method returns a bool indicating whether the condition is met (true) or not (false).


public class MyVisibilityAttribute : ConditionalVisibilityAttribute
    public override bool TestCondition(object targetObject, TypeDescription td)
        // Example condition: Check if the target object has a specific property set to true
        var myProperty = td.GetProperty("MyProperty");
        if (myProperty != null)
            return (bool)myProperty.GetValue(targetObject);
        return false;