Task<Pixmap> RenderThumb()



The RenderThumb method in the Editor.Asset class is responsible for rendering a preview thumbnail of the asset. This method is asynchronous and returns a Task<Editor.Pixmap>, which represents the rendered thumbnail image. If the asset type does not support previews, the method will return null.


To use the RenderThumb method, you need to call it on an instance of the Editor.Asset class. Since it is an asynchronous method, you should await its result to get the rendered thumbnail.


// Example of using RenderThumb method
public async Task<Editor.Pixmap> GetAssetThumbnailAsync(Editor.Asset asset)
    // Render the thumbnail for the asset
    Editor.Pixmap thumbnail = await asset.RenderThumb();
    // Check if the thumbnail was successfully rendered
    if (thumbnail != null)
        // Use the thumbnail as needed
        return thumbnail;
        // Handle the case where the asset type does not support previews
        return null;