bool IsRoot { get; set; }



The IsRoot property of the AssetBrowserLocation class indicates whether the current asset browser location is the root directory. This property returns a boolean value, where true signifies that the location is the root, and false indicates it is not.


Use the IsRoot property to determine if the current location in the asset browser is the root directory. This can be useful for implementing logic that behaves differently when at the root level, such as disabling the ability to navigate upwards in a directory structure.


// Example of using the IsRoot property

// Assume assetLocation is an instance of AssetBrowserLocation
AssetBrowserLocation assetLocation = new AssetBrowserLocation();

// Check if the current location is the root
if (assetLocation.IsRoot)
    // Perform actions specific to the root location
    Console.WriteLine("You are at the root directory.");
    // Perform actions for non-root locations
    Console.WriteLine("This is not the root directory.");