string Path { get; set; }



The Path property of the Editor.AssetBrowserLocation class represents the full file system path to the asset or directory being referenced. This property is useful for accessing the exact location of an asset within the file system, allowing for operations such as file manipulation, retrieval, or display within the asset browser.


To use the Path property, you need to have an instance of the AssetBrowserLocation class. You can then access the Path property to get the full path of the asset or directory. This property is read-only and provides a string value representing the path.


// Example of accessing the Path property

// Assume assetLocation is an instance of AssetBrowserLocation
AssetBrowserLocation assetLocation = new AssetBrowserLocation();

// Get the full path of the asset or directory
string fullPath = assetLocation.Path;

// Use the path for further operations
// For example, displaying the path in a UI element
// uiElement.Text = fullPath;