Project Project { get; set; }



The Project property of the Editor.AssetBrowserLocation class provides access to the Sandbox.Project associated with the current asset browser location. This property is useful for retrieving project-specific information or performing operations that are scoped to the current project context within the editor.


To use the Project property, you need to have an instance of the AssetBrowserLocation class. Once you have this instance, you can access the Project property to get the associated Sandbox.Project object.

This property is read-only and provides a direct reference to the project, allowing you to interact with project-level data and operations.


// Assume 'location' is an instance of Editor.AssetBrowserLocation
Sandbox.Project currentProject = location.Project;

// Use the currentProject object to perform project-specific operations
string projectName = currentProject.Name;
// Output the project name
// Note: Avoid using Console.WriteLine in Sandbox environment
// Instead, use appropriate logging or UI display methods