AssetType AnimationGraph { get; set; }



The AnimationGraph property represents the asset type for Animation Graph files, which have the file extension .vanmgrph. This property is part of the Editor.AssetType class and is used to identify and work with Animation Graph assets within the editor environment.


Use the AnimationGraph property to access the asset type for Animation Graph files when you need to perform operations such as loading, saving, or querying these assets in the editor. This property is static and can be accessed directly from the Editor.AssetType class.


// Example of accessing the AnimationGraph asset type
Editor.AssetType animationGraphType = Editor.AssetType.AnimationGraph;

// Use the asset type to find all assets of this type
var animationGraphAssets = Asset.FindAll(animationGraphType);

// Iterate through the found assets
foreach (var asset in animationGraphAssets)
    // Perform operations with each Animation Graph asset
    // For example, print the asset's name