AssetType SoundFile { get; set; }



The SoundFile property of the Editor.AssetType class represents a sound asset type. This includes sound files with extensions such as .wav, .ogg, or .mp3. It is a static property, meaning it can be accessed without instantiating the AssetType class.


Use the SoundFile property to identify or categorize assets that are sound files within the editor. This can be useful for filtering assets, loading specific types of assets, or organizing assets in the user interface.


// Example of accessing the SoundFile asset type
Editor.AssetType soundAssetType = Editor.AssetType.SoundFile;

// Use the asset type to find assets of this type
var soundAssets = Asset.FindAssetsByType(soundAssetType);

// Iterate through the found sound assets
foreach (var asset in soundAssets)
    // Perform operations with the sound asset
    // For example, load the asset or display its properties