AssetType Texture { get; set; }



The Texture property of the Editor.AssetType class represents the asset type for texture files, specifically those with the .vtex extension. This property is static and can be accessed without instantiating the AssetType class.


Use the Texture property to identify or filter assets of the texture type within the editor. This can be particularly useful when working with asset management systems or when you need to load or manipulate texture assets programmatically.


// Example of accessing the Texture asset type
Editor.AssetType textureAssetType = Editor.AssetType.Texture;

// Use the textureAssetType to find assets of this type
var textureAssets = Asset.FindAssetsByType(textureAssetType);

// Iterate over found texture assets
foreach (var asset in textureAssets)
    // Perform operations with the texture asset
    // For example, load the asset or display its properties