static AssetPreview CreateForAsset( Asset asset )



The CreateForAsset method is a static method of the Editor.Assets.AssetPreview class. It is used to create an AssetPreview instance for a given asset. This method is particularly useful when you need to generate a visual preview of an asset within the editor environment.


To use the CreateForAsset method, you need to pass an instance of Editor.Asset as a parameter. The method will return an AssetPreview object that can be used to display a preview of the asset.

Example usage:

Editor.Asset myAsset = ...; // Obtain or create an asset
Editor.Assets.AssetPreview preview = Editor.Assets.AssetPreview.CreateForAsset(myAsset);
// Use the preview object as needed


Editor.Asset myAsset = ...; // Obtain or create an asset
Editor.Assets.AssetPreview preview = Editor.Assets.AssetPreview.CreateForAsset(myAsset);
// Use the preview object as needed