Vector3 SceneCenter



The SceneCenter field represents the central point of the scene in the AssetPreview class. It is a Vector3 type, which means it holds three-dimensional coordinates (x, y, z) that define the center of the scene. This field is public and non-static, allowing it to be accessed and modified by instances of the AssetPreview class.


To use the SceneCenter field, you need to have an instance of the AssetPreview class. You can then access or modify the SceneCenter to set or retrieve the center point of the scene. This can be useful for positioning the camera or other elements relative to the center of the scene.


// Example of accessing and modifying the SceneCenter field

// Create an instance of AssetPreview
AssetPreview assetPreview = new AssetPreview();

// Access the SceneCenter field
Vector3 currentCenter = assetPreview.SceneCenter;

// Modify the SceneCenter field
assetPreview.SceneCenter = new Vector3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);