Task<Package> GetPackageAsync()



The GetPackageAsync method is an asynchronous operation that retrieves the package information for a package asset. This method is part of the Editor.DragAssetData class, which represents an asset being dragged into an editor window. The method completes when the source package information is available, allowing you to access the package details.


To use the GetPackageAsync method, you need to have an instance of the Editor.DragAssetData class. Call the method on this instance to initiate the asynchronous operation. The method returns a Task<Sandbox.Package>, which you can await to get the package information once the task is completed.


// Example usage of GetPackageAsync
public async Task RetrievePackageInfo(Editor.DragAssetData dragAssetData)
        Sandbox.Package package = await dragAssetData.GetPackageAsync();
        // Use the package information as needed
        Console.WriteLine($"Package Name: {package.Name}");
    catch (Exception ex)
        // Handle exceptions
        Console.WriteLine($"An error occurred: {ex.Message}");