bool HasFileOrFolder { get; set; }



The HasFileOrFolder property of the Editor.DragData class indicates whether the drag data contains at least one file or folder. This property is useful for determining if the drag operation involves file system items, which can be crucial for handling drag-and-drop operations in applications that interact with the file system.


To use the HasFileOrFolder property, you need to have an instance of the Editor.DragData class. You can then access this property to check if the drag data includes any files or folders.


// Assuming 'dragData' is an instance of Editor.DragData
bool containsFileOrFolder = dragData.HasFileOrFolder;

if (containsFileOrFolder)
    // Handle the case where the drag data includes files or folders
    Console.WriteLine("Drag data contains files or folders.");
    // Handle the case where the drag data does not include files or folders
    Console.WriteLine("Drag data does not contain files or folders.");