IEnumerable<T> OfType()



The OfType<T> method in the Editor.DragData class is used to filter the drag and drop data to only include elements of a specified type T. This method returns an IEnumerable<T> that contains all elements of the specified type from the drag data.


To use the OfType<T> method, call it on an instance of Editor.DragData. This method does not take any parameters and returns a collection of elements of the specified type T.

Ensure that the type T is compatible with the elements contained in the drag data. This method is useful when you need to process or handle only specific types of data from a drag and drop operation.


// Example usage of the OfType<T> method
Editor.DragData dragData = new Editor.DragData();

// Assuming dragData contains various types of data
var specificTypeData = dragData.OfType<MySpecificType>();

foreach (var item in specificTypeData)
    // Process each item of MySpecificType

void ProcessItem(MySpecificType item)
    // Implementation for processing the item