void AddOverlay( Widget widget, TextFlag align, Vector2 offset )



The AddOverlay method is used to add a visual overlay to the editor tool interface. This overlay is represented by a widget, which can be aligned and offset according to the specified parameters.


To use the AddOverlay method, you need to provide a widget that you want to display as an overlay. You also need to specify the alignment using the TextFlag enumeration, which determines how the widget is positioned relative to its parent. Additionally, you can provide an offset using a Vector2 to fine-tune the widget's position.


// Example of using AddOverlay method
public class MyEditorTool : Editor.EditorTool
    public void SetupOverlay()
        // Create a new widget
        Editor.Widget myWidget = new Editor.Widget();
        // Define alignment and offset
        Sandbox.TextFlag alignment = Sandbox.TextFlag.Center;
        Vector2 offset = new Vector2(10, 20);

        // Add the widget as an overlay
        AddOverlay(myWidget, alignment, offset);