void BuildUI()



The BuildUI method is a public instance method of the Editor.InspectorHeader class. It is responsible for constructing the user interface elements of the inspector header within the editor environment. This method does not take any parameters and does not return a value.

The BuildUI method is typically used to set up the visual components and layout of the inspector header, such as titles, icons, and other UI elements that are part of the header. It is an essential part of the editor's UI rendering process, ensuring that the inspector header is properly displayed and functional.


To use the BuildUI method, you need to have an instance of the InspectorHeader class. Once you have the instance, you can call the method to build or refresh the UI components of the inspector header.

Example usage:

InspectorHeader header = new InspectorHeader();

This will initialize and render the UI elements associated with the inspector header.


InspectorHeader header = new InspectorHeader();