static InspectorWidget Create( SerializedObject obj )



The Create method is a static method of the Editor.InspectorWidget class. It is used to create an instance of an InspectorWidget for a given SerializedObject. This method is particularly useful in the context of the s&box game engine's editor, where developers need to inspect and manipulate serialized data objects.


To use the Create method, you need to pass a SerializedObject as a parameter. This object represents the data you want to inspect or edit in the editor. The method returns an InspectorWidget instance that can be used to interact with the serialized data.

Ensure that the SerializedObject you pass is properly initialized and contains the data you wish to inspect. The returned InspectorWidget can then be added to the editor's UI for user interaction.


// Example of using the Create method to generate an InspectorWidget

// Assume 'serializedObject' is a valid SerializedObject instance
Sandbox.SerializedObject serializedObject = new Sandbox.SerializedObject();

// Create an InspectorWidget for the serialized object
Editor.InspectorWidget inspectorWidget = Editor.InspectorWidget.Create(serializedObject);

// The inspectorWidget can now be used within the editor to inspect the serializedObject