SerializedObject SerializedObject { get; set; }



The SerializedObject property of the Editor.InspectorWidget class represents a Sandbox.SerializedObject that is associated with the inspector widget. This property allows you to access or modify the serialized data that the inspector widget is currently handling.


To use the SerializedObject property, you need to have an instance of the InspectorWidget class. You can then get or set the SerializedObject to interact with the serialized data.

Example usage:

var inspectorWidget = new Editor.InspectorWidget();
var serializedObject = inspectorWidget.SerializedObject;
// Perform operations on serializedObject
inspectorWidget.SerializedObject = new Sandbox.SerializedObject();


var inspectorWidget = new Editor.InspectorWidget();
var serializedObject = inspectorWidget.SerializedObject;
// Perform operations on serializedObject
inspectorWidget.SerializedObject = new Sandbox.SerializedObject();